Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Erode in a sentence

How do you use erode in a sentence? What does it mean to erode? Erode sentence examples. The river followed the temporary course long enough to erode a deep gorge, known as Grande Coulee, along part of its length.

Sometimes, though rarely, the ulcers perforate the intestines, causing rapidly fatal inflammation of the peritoneum, or they may erode a. Examples of erode in a sentence, how to use it.

People predicted the Internet would erode the future of newspapers, and for the most part, they were correct. Your abusive words have begun to erode our relationship. It has been, and is being, created by sediments from the many torrents that erode the interior mountains. There has not been time to erode them away since the Pleistocene glaciation.

The pressure towards uniformity constantly threatens to erode local traditions. The value of the dollar began to erode rapidly just around this time. A bad apology will erode intimacy.

High interest rates can gradually erode profit margins.

They say that it could. An aversion to changes in L. That eased concern that the rising currency would erode company profits. This view seriously erodes the public confidence in the political process.

Medical Definition of erode. Keep scrolling for more. To erode is defined as to gradually wear away , or to be gradually worn away. When water continually washes over soil and begins to wash away that soil, this is an example of a situation where the water erodes the soil.

Battery acid had eroded the engine. Inflation erodes the value of our money. That the mountainous mass of western Maui is much older is shown by the destruction of its crater, by its sharp ridges and by deeply eroded gorges or valleys. How to use erode in a sentence. Thirdly, confusion and suspicion which create disunity, will erode the competitiveness of the organisation.

Memories are like stones, time and distance erode them like acid. The metaphysical qualities that come into play erode such morning somnambulations. In private col my face burns a tallow white, toes flake in frostbite or erode every sensation. Once breache the walls protecting the public domain in patent law show.

Just building up the ground is not the best way because it will erode over time.

Over time, the assembly could erode and degrade. At what point will video game. First, wind and water erode it, especially during tropical storms and hurricanes.

Layered deposits have been partly eroded by the wind in some places, exposing an etched surface. The walls here are cut by centuries of flood and fabulously eroded by wind and storm. Word forms: erodes, eroding, eroded. If rock or soil erodes or is eroded by the weather, sea, or win it cracks and breaks so that it is gradually destroyed. The storm washed away buildings and roads and eroded beaches.

Information and translations of erode in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Another word for erode. Find more ways to say erode , along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.

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