Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Endangered species in the great barrier reef

What are some of the animals native to the Great Barrier Reef? Are there seahorses in the Great Barrier Reef? What organisms live in the Great Barrier Reef?

Are green sea turtles an endangered species? Threatened species known to occur in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and listed under the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (Bonn Convention), CITES (CITES) Agreement, China–Australia Migratory Bird Agreement (CAMBA), Japan–Australia Migratory Bird Agreement and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List (IUCN Red List) status for the species.

Green turtle : Though they are the most abundant species in the Barrier Reef, the high fluctuation in their nesting. Two types that are endangered and live in the Great Barrier Reef are the Leatherback Turtle , and the Olive Ridley Turtle. They are rarely found on the shores of beaches, but rather around the reefs near Queensland.

Home Ecosystems Animal Profile Organism Interactions Human Impacts and Management. The Great Barrier Reef. While the reef might be the reason for the area’s name, it’s dwindling, fast. Several reef species, including dugongs and loggerhead and green sea turtles , have been listed under the U. But this vast reef, with its incredible wildlife and rare seagrass habitat, is now at risk — from the U.

Endangered Species Act. Dan Rather Reports: Great Barrier Grief -. Dredging and dumping can smother corals and threaten the survival of endangered species like marine turtles. A protected species is a plant or animal that is protected by law and needs special management. Some sharks - whale shark, grey nurse. These placid beauties have inhabited the oceans for more than 1million years, yet now face extinction.

We have a range of educational resources for teachers and students on the endangered species of the Great Barrier Reef. Hawksbill Sea Turtle. Dugong also become an endangered species because of so many factors. It is also a close relative from manatee.

Yellow zone indicates the Green Sea Turtle range. Scientific Name: Chelonia Mydas. Habitat: Around the same areas as the Bottlenose dolphin, tropical and climate waters.

Human Impacts which have led to the Green Sea Turtles decline are: o Egg poaching: reduces the population. Starfish and Sea Cucumbers. Home to the Great Barrier Reef and tremendous marine biodiversity, Australia has earned a reputation for progressive marine conservation programming.

These starfish are the second biggest threat to the already endangered.

Some countries have made great strides in saving their endangered reefs. Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is the largest of its kin covering an area bigger than the United Kingdom and including 9separate reef formations and 3reef islands, some 4miles (2km) long. They are enjoying the company of different types of whales and dolphins. Six of the world’s seven species of marine turtle live in the waters around Australia, and all occur within the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.

Rare or threatened animals of Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park. Total number of species : 130. Download this information in. It’s hugely frustrating,” said Beynon, the head of Australian campaigns at HSI. They’re putting the commercial value.

A Tasmanian Blenny hides among native flat oysters in an artificial kelp forest off Tasmania. It contains the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere, stretching nearly 7miles from the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula down through the Honduran Bay Islands. Dazzling arrays of different types of coral form this underwater wilderness, and provide homes and food to hundreds of fish species , marine turtles, and sharks.

It was discovered while they where searching 1metres beneath the surface 2km from Cairns. There are currently species of pygmy seahorses known in the world.

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