Disclaimer: The material in this print-out relates to the law as it applies in the state of Victoria. It is intended as a general guide only. Readers should not act on the basis of any material in this print-out without getting legal advice about their own particular situations. Access Law was established with the core ideal of facilitating access to justice.

For over many years, we have produced consistently high standards of service to our clients. Our ability to maintain strong and longstanding relationships with many of our clients is a testament to our proud commitment to service, transparency and justice. Law Institute of Victoria Awards Nominate your peers for the Law Institute of Victoria Awards, explore past awards recipients and celebrate excellence of lawyers in your community. On Calendar Register for the latest events and professional development courses. Find government information about law and justice in Victoria including births, deaths and marriages, consumer rights, statutory declarations and legislation.
Access Law practise law from a human rights perspective and conduct cases in all Federal and Victorian Courts and Tribunals. The information contained in this website does not constitute, and should be not relied on as, legal advice. The primary source for Victorian legislation. Find Bills considered by Parliament, Acts of Parliament and statutory rules. Law Access is a not-for-profit organisation that coordinates the giving of pro bono (free) legal assistance by the Western Australian legal profession.
The service is targeted at not-for-profits and individuals in genuine need of legal assistance who satisfy a means and merits test. LawAccess NSW is a great starting point for legal help. Using our website you can locate plain language legal information across a wide range of subjects including: debt, family law , neighbours, fines, criminal law , and planning ahead. The Access to Justice Centre for Excellence at the University of Victoria focuses on applied research that seeks practical resolutions to improve access to justice.
Students are trained and supervised in the conduct of legal matters by lawyers who are members of the University of Victoria , Faculty of Law. Collection Raw Law Legal information for artists. Visit the centre to do the following: Learn about the court system and court procedures.
Arts Access Victoria. Get legal information. Locate and fill out the court forms relevant to your case. Victoria Legal Aid (VLA) is responsible for the provision of legal aid throughout its state. Our team of experienced family law attorneys located in Birmingham, MI can take your call and answer your questions today.
The Law Firm of Victoria , P. Succession Law Conference. LIV Member early bird price available until September. Hear critical updates in succession law and delve into costs, aged care, superannuation and more.

A state of emergency has been declared in Victoria due to the serious risk to public health posed by the coronavirus (COVID-19). This page sets out rights and responsibilities in many areas. Download the report as a pdf or Word document from the link below. It sets out key principles, duties and rights about OHS.
Who the OHS Act protects. The OHS Act seeks to protect the health, safety and welfare of employees and other people at work. Note The Access Code is based on provisions of the Building Code of Australia. The division is led by the Honourable Justice John Dixon as the Principal Judge. For a list of current Common Law Division judges see the judicial organisational chart.

Announcement on Access to Childcare Permits. People working in permitted industries will maintain access to kinder and childcare for their children under Stage restrictions beginning at 11:59pm tonight, regardless of whether they are working onsite or from home.
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