Sunday, February 11, 2018

Apostle synonym

Synonyms for apostle. Antonyms for apostle. What are synonyms for apostle? Top synonyms for apostle (other words for apostle) are disciple , missionary and follower. According to the Bible, the apostles were Simon Peter, the brothers James and John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alpheus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas Iscariot.

When used to refer to one of these 1 the word is sometimes capitalized.

Mormon administrative council of men. An apostle, in its most literal sense, is an emissary , from Greek ἀπόστολος , literally one who is sent off, from the verb ἀποστέλλειν , to send off. Find more similar words at. A noted evangelist was preaching to a rather hostile congregation.

She hovered by the hearth while the herald delivered his news. He plays the part of a missionary who meets a woman of doubtful morals. Methodist lay preacher.

Ghandi was a great apostle of non-violence. Supporters of ideas, plans or people.

A pioneer or early advocate of a particular cause, prophet of a belief. A top-ranking ecclesiastical official in the twelve seat. Christian missionary in any region or country. In Corinthians 8:and Phil 2:the word messenger is the rendering of the same Greek word , elsewhere rendered apostle.

These dictionary topics are from M. Public Domain, copy freely. WordReference thesaurus : synonyms , discussion and more. However, the primary definition of apostle applies to a singular group of men who held a supreme role in the early church. Doctrine is simply teaching.

Jesus to preach the gospel. So apostolic doctrine is teaching that comes to us through the apostles , those specifically chosen by Christ to carry His teachings to the world. The twelve disciples became the apostles (Mark 3:14) with the exception of Judas, who defected. Words related to apostle : Meet your meter: The Restrict to meter strip above will show you the related words that match a particular kind of metrical foot. English dictionary definition of apostleship.

Apostle One of a group. The word apostle occurs times in the New Testament. While in a few instances its meaning was an actual messenger, it mainly denoted a person of eminent position and capacity. But even in this latter sense, the precise import was not everywhere the same, and some of the ambiguities have led to scholarly differences of opinion.

It has, however, a stronger sense than the word messenger, and means as much as a delegate.

In the classical writers the word is not frequent. A disciple is a devoted student and follower of a teacher. In fact, the Greek word for disciple, mathētḗs, means a learner or pupil. Example: an apostle of revolution.

After the suicide of Judas Iscariot his place was taken by Matthias. To reemphasize the word apostle as Paul uses it does not merely refer to one who has a message to announce, but to an appointed representative with an official status who is provided with the credentials of his office. In its broadest sense, apostle can refer to all believers, because every believer is sent into the world as a witness for.

In the British courts of admiralty, when a party appeals from a decision made against him, he prays apostles from the judge, which are brief letters of dismission, stating the case, and declaring that the record will be transmitted. The terms disciple and apostle are sometimes used interchangeably, but they do, in fact, have different meanings.

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