Friday, January 12, 2018

Rutted road definition

What does rutted road mean? A rut is a depression or groove worn into a road or path by the travel of wheels or skis. Ruts can be formed by wear, as from studded snow tires common in cold climate areas, or they can form through the deformation of the asphalt concrete, pavement or subbase material.

In modern roads the main cause is heavily loaded trucks. The Chaika pulled into a rutted cart-track and stopped. Paved roads existed only in cities and towns, and auto travel on rutte unpaved byways was not for the faint of heart.

From USA TODAY Home is a one-room shack off a rutted dirt road downtown , where an enormous sow tends to a litter outside and loud music echoes off the nearby tin roofs. If a surface is rutted , it has deep narrow marks in it made by wheels: 2. A sunken track or groove made by the passage of vehicles. An uninspired routine or pattern of behavior that one continues unthinkingly or because change is difficult.

To make ruts in (a path, for example). Possibly alteration of route. Noun (2) perhaps modification of Middle French route way , route. Keep scrolling for more.

Rutted road with Black Cow. A rough path winds up into the fog beside a black cow chewing cud lying on the lush green grass ID: GJ23JC (RM) Dirty rutted road with pits and puddles in the spring. Having long deep tracks made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles.

The tea garden is very isolate cut off from the main roads by rutted dust tracks. The letter was printed beneath a picture of a badly rutted grass surface. Soon the road becomes a single rutted track in a green tunnel of clattering branches. More example sentences.

Adjective (comparative more rutte superlative most rutted) 2. Marked or grooved with ruts. The track was heavily rutted from the wheels of farm tractors. Topics Transport by car or lorry c2. Oxford Collocations Dictionary. A dirt road or track is a type of unpaved road made from the native material of the land surface through which it passes, known to highway engineers as subgrade material.

The roads are rutted , often marked by open sewers, and pass by homes surrounded by walls topped with barbed wire or embedded shards of glass to repel intruders. It was as much as part of her days as stale bread and the blisters on her toes after a long day of walking the har rutted road. The saturated road no longer absorbed the water, which ran along the ruts in streams.

Deep ruts and cradle-holes were worn in the ice, as on terra firma, by the passage of the sleds over the same track, and the horses invariably ate their oats out of cakes of ice hollowed out like buckets.

We had a much better turnout for the company picnic this year than last. One is that the pollsters overlooked the potential effect of differential turnout. Definition of royal road in the Definitions. Meaning of royal road.

Information and translations of royal road in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. THE RUTTED ROAD This is a road so many have travelled Since it started by Basingstoke Canal. You can hear them or their ghosts, Their everlasting sad chorale.

You can follow in their footsteps, Pagan pilgrim, proud yet humble. Far behind their chariots of gol You go barefoot but you don’t stumble. A passage through the country for the use of the people. Roads are public or private. Public roads are laid out by public authority, or dedicated by individuals to public use.

The public have the use of such roads, but the owner of the land over which they are made and the owners of land bounded on the highway, have, prima facie, a fee in such highway, ad medium filum. Some are livinlt in rents and old U!

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